

Anyone who suffers from frequent headaches or migraines will know how disruptive it can be to your ability to concentrate and go about your day to day life. However, physiotherapy can actually play a significant role in managing your headaches, relieving their symptoms and determining their underlying cause.

What causes headaches?

It is now estimate that there are over 300 causes of headaches, however the most common types of headaches include:

  • Tension headaches

  • Cervicogenic headaches

  • Migraines

  • Cluster headaches

These headaches are classed as primary headaches, meaning that they are not related to any other underlying problem.

There are also a number of headaches classed as secondary headaches and these include whiplash headaches and ‘neck headaches,’

Should I be concerned about my headaches?

In some cases, headaches maybe caused by more severe pathology. It is advised that you go see your doctor if you have any of the symptoms otherwise know as “red flags,” listed below; Your physio will screen for these questions and refer if appropriate and unsure who to see.

  • Your headaches are different than usual, or it is your worst headache experienced to date

  • Headaches are triggered by coughing/ sneezing or exercising

  • Headaches that persist despite receiving treatment

  • Neurological symptoms including memory loss, slurred speech or a significant loss in muscle strength

  • Any systemic symptoms including a fever, unexplained weight loss or skin rashes

  • Paralysis or vision loss of any degree

In the absence of any red flags, what should your next step be?

A physiotherapist will conduct a thorough examination to better understand the nature of your headaches and what their cause could be. They will be able to provide treatment in the form of manual therapy and massage, as well as providing you with exercises to help prevent headaches in the long term.

Author: Hannah Senior - Physiotherapist